MOTHER'S DAY OFFERING: We were a bit distracted this Sunday during Randy's last morning with us and missed informing everyone about the special offering Meadowood collects to support local ministry efforts.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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Advent Daily Devotional: Introduction


In this introduction, executive pastor Jay Ramer sets the tone for our Advent Daily Devotional with an encouraging look at what we've experienced in the last 18 months....

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Still Thankful

What if we told you that you are commanded to be thankful? We're sure that makes gratitude so much easier to have as part of your life amidst a global pandemic and all the chaos of our world. Gratitude is an expectation, and it is God's will for us. How will that change your attitude this holiday season?...

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God Math

Often enough, it can feel like God's ways don't add up in the ways we calculate. But is that because His math is off or because we aren't as receptive to His methods of shaping us?...

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Fall FOCUS: Week 3


Enjoy this third part in our six-week virtual FOCUS Class study of 1 & 2 Peter led by executive pastor Jay Ramer....

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Fall FOCUS: Week 2


We're so excited we still have ways to study God's Word together, even if we can't gather in person. So, grab your Bible, get comfortable and enjoy this six-week video study of 1 and 2 Peter being led by our own executive pastor Jay Ramer....

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Fall FOCUS: Week 1


We're so excited we still have ways to study God's Word together, even if we can't gather in person. So, grab your Bible, get comfortable and enjoy this six-week video study of 1 and 2 Peter being led by our own executive pastor Jay Ramer....

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40 Days of Prayer


Bob is inviting Meadowood to prayer at noon each of the next 40 days, and he wanted to give a little clearer direction to our prayers as we embark on this journey together. Will you commit to pray each day?...

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Working Our Way Toward Normal

Community Groups at Meadowood have resumed meeting in person each Sunday morning at 10:30am. We believe we can meet safely and still provide a virtual opportunity for those who are uncomfortable gathering....

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A BIG Announcement

Praise the Lord! We've waited a long time to be able to gather in our Worship Center on Sunday mornings. Beginning June 21, we'll be able to do so each Sunday morning!...

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Developing Disciples: Resuming Community Groups

With the new Sunday and events schedule starting to move toward some sense of normalcy, we wanted to give you an update about why we're looking to re-launch Community Groups and other smaller group activities for families. 2020 has been an adventure for all of us, and we are eager to grow with you in the weeks and months to come....

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