MOTHER'S DAY OFFERING: We were a bit distracted this Sunday during Randy's last morning with us and missed informing everyone about the special offering Meadowood collects to support local ministry efforts.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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Fresh Beginnings

As we move deeper into August, Meadowood is excited at the opportunities we have to resume and launch ministries that can make an eternal impact in the lives of any who attend. We hope you will join with us as events continue to fill our schedule....

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OBHC Back-To-School Dinner Event


Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children hosts its annual back-to-school style show in early August, and Meadowood is invited to participate in this special night!...

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Master's Market Immediate Needs

This entire year has been something else. But as chaotic as it may feel, we can rest assured that Christ's call to care for others and share the gospel in Christian ministry is ever-present. We have an opportunity and a privilege to make Christ known through Master's Market....

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Authentic Ministry


Authenticity is critical if the church is going to have an impact on our world for Christ. How can you live today in such a way that the gospel is more real to yourself and to those you interact with?...

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One Weekend, Dual Significance


This weekend is significant for two reasons, and Bob wanted to address them both in this little Meadowood blog post....

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Healing the Land

The National Day of Prayer is a call to focus our prayers for the nation, but it is not intended to be the only time we seek God's face for our land. We are to lift our prayers for our nation often...

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Mother's Day Is a Special Day


Mother's Day is a tremendous opportunity for us to celebrate the important role women and mothers have in our lives....

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Easter: Celebrate Sacrifice

There are many ways people celebrate Easter. Some are in keeping with the clear message of the gospel portrayed in the sacrificial death and glorious resurrection of Christ. Others are not. Amidst the pastel colors, sharp attire and eggs galore, how can Meadowood families truly celebrate this holy day?...

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Cause for Hope

Easter proclaims a simple story about an event that impacts the entire universe. It's must bigger than we could ever imagine, and Jesus demonstrates His power over all things, including death. This should give us hope in the world in which we are called to live for Him....

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 31


The story of Jesus missing from the caravan home can seem a little overblown, but it became a teaching moment for His parents and for us to see what the true work of the Father was and remains. Jesus has work to do, even at a young age, and He diligently sets about it by visiting His Father's house and speaking the Word with any who would...

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