MOTHER'S DAY OFFERING: We were a bit distracted this Sunday during Randy's last morning with us and missed informing everyone about the special offering Meadowood collects to support local ministry efforts.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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Posts Tagged with "Jesus"

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Getting Ready to Get Ready


If we're not careful and attentive, we might just miss the best this season has to offer us. And that means we might wake up after it's over to realize how similar we really are to those who missed the opportunity to welcome Jesus properly about 2000 years ago. ...

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Easter: Celebrate Sacrifice

There are many ways people celebrate Easter. Some are in keeping with the clear message of the gospel portrayed in the sacrificial death and glorious resurrection of Christ. Others are not. Amidst the pastel colors, sharp attire and eggs galore, how can Meadowood families truly celebrate this holy day?...

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Cause for Hope

Easter proclaims a simple story about an event that impacts the entire universe. It's must bigger than we could ever imagine, and Jesus demonstrates His power over all things, including death. This should give us hope in the world in which we are called to live for Him....

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 31


The story of Jesus missing from the caravan home can seem a little overblown, but it became a teaching moment for His parents and for us to see what the true work of the Father was and remains. Jesus has work to do, even at a young age, and He diligently sets about it by visiting His Father's house and speaking the Word with any who would...

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 30


Jesus formative years were a learning experience for everyone. Even though we get very little information about his growing up, we see in at least one little snippet how committed He is to His Father's purposes and plans to bring rescue. Even when his parents didn't "get it," He still pursued His work....

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 28


Jesus was always in the sure hands of His Father, even when His earthly mom and dad lost track of Him. Isn't it good to know that we, too, can rest secure in the gentle and expert care of our Father?!...

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 17


Jesus comes to us in an unexpected way, and we ought to rejoice in the humble and personal way in which He arrives....

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 3


The lineage of Jesus tells an amazing story that unfolds in the pages of Scripture. And one of the best parts is believers are now part of that lineage, and it's only the start of the adventure!...

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A BIG Announcement

Praise the Lord! We've waited a long time to be able to gather in our Worship Center on Sunday mornings. Beginning June 21, we'll be able to do so each Sunday morning!...

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Merry Christmas, Meadowood!

Christmas is a time to take it all in. Each year, Christmas rolls around, forcing us to pause. We remember, and we look ahead. We think of the Christmases we knew growing up. The laughter and fun. The celebrations big and small we shared with others....

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The Final Days of Jesus: Tuesday


When Jesus entered Jerusalem on what we now call Palm Sunday, He set himself on a collision course with the religious leaders of the day. Why did they feel threatened and move to eliminate this young teacher from Nazareth?...

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The Final Days of Jesus: Monday


Monday was the second day of the Jewish week, and the Monday of Jesus' march toward Calvary has some interesting events we still find both fascinating and confusing. Follow along with us on this Holy Week adventure through this next installment of The Final Days of Jesus....

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The Final Days of Jesus: Palm Sunday


Palm Sunday is an interesting day for the Christ follower. Triumphant in his arrival to Jerusalem, Jesus is actually beginning the final days of His ministry and life. Though we know it's not the true end, perhaps if we could take a closer look back, we might see some cultural, historical and theological points we may have missed....

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What Advent Means to Me


Advent triggers in my mind words like hope, peace, and love. The first advent signals the coming of Jesus Christ into the world as Savior. He came because of His love for the whole world. His coming makes possible the potential for anyone to experience His hope and peace and love. These qualities will only be realized, however, in the lives of those who receive Him as th...

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