MOTHER'S DAY OFFERING: We were a bit distracted this Sunday during Randy's last morning with us and missed informing everyone about the special offering Meadowood collects to support local ministry efforts.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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Church Takes a Team


Meadowood Family,

I am so grateful for our Ministry Team at Meadowood. I include in this group our staff, our administrative assistants (secretaries), our maintenance staff, our community group leaders, our deacons, our technical support team, our prayer team, and our praise teams.

There is a wonderful spirit of cooperation at Meadowood.

Our teachers are staying in touch with their classes, providing weekly lessons for children, youth, and adults.

Our maintenance staff, under the direction of Mike Stephenson, is working daily, giving valuable assistance to the construction, painting, and sound crews as work on the worship center continues.

Our administrative assistants do a great job keeping the office running smoothly.

Our technical staff—Bradon Ligon, Derek Childers, Bonnie Hunt, Kent Epling, Brodie Smith, and Brad Watkins—do excellent work in preparing and providing the services via live stream each week.

Our praise teams, under the direction of Randy Lind, bless us with their music in each of the broadcasts.

Kent Epling has been responsible for filming and preparing the daily devotions the staff has shared throughout the week of Easter.

David Summers prepares the live stream recording to show on YouTube and here on our website each week.

Alex Aaron and his staff at Master's Market continue to serve people in need of help weekly.

I want to thank:

Jay Ramer, Minister of Education, is doing a wonderful job overseeing the financial work as repairs on the Worship Center and choir room continue.

Kent Epling, Student Minister, is hosting the youth Wednesday night service each week on Facebook and offering challenges to our youth weekly as well. He occasionally throws in some fun games on social media that help keep them connected not just to him but to each other!  He is also a key member of our technical team.

Alex Aaron, Master's Market director, who is working so efficiently and extra hard in this challenging time.

Amy Campbell, Children's Minister, is doing a terrific job of leading her team as they prepare and present their lessons each week on Facebook. She also is helping the kids keep up with their verses and activities in AWANA. Kayte Spillman is providing a Facebook live for Children's Church each week and has not skipped a beat, having the lesson and activity ready to go.

Randy Lind, Worship Leader, has done a great job being flexible and getting a praise team together to lead each week. He is also instrumental in helping to find videos for each service.

Iral Martin, Financial Secretary, has been working very hard to make sure our financial house is in order.

Casey Petersen, Pastor's Secretary, gives invaluable assistance to Bob in helping him to prepare for his weekly sermons and blogs.

Bonnie Hunt, Music Secretary and a member of the technical team, is so effective and helpful. She is always available when needed.

Gayle Minyard, Youth and Children's Secretary, is staying busy helping Kent and Amy with whatever they need to best care for their leaders and the kids they minister to.

David Summers, Graphic Art Designer, does excellent work in transferring the livestream services to YouTube and Facebook. In addition, his Community Group lessons are not only involving his 5th grade class, but their entire families and others as well.

Brodie Smith, manages Meadowood's social media presence and our website, which is one of the best!

Mike Stephenson, Facilities Manager, does a great job overseeing his crew and being available for whatever the construction crew may need.

Brad Watkins, Maintenance Staff, assists with the livestream each week.

Elaine Huskey, Church Hostess and Maintenance Staff

Paula Sams and Sherri Davison, Maintenance Staff, are doing a wonderful job in keeping the church facilities clean and sanitized.

Bradon Ligon, our technical and sound expert, does tremendous work in preparing the services for livestream weekly.  He is working several extra hours to make sure we are giving you the best quality livestreaming service we possibly can.

Patsy Cellier and the people in the prayer ministry remain ever-vigilant in praying for people in need.

How blessed we are with the ministry all these people provide!

Then, I am grateful for YOU the church family. Even though we can not meet together in person we are still together spiritually through your prayers, financial support, and your viewing of the weekly services on live stream.

I pray for our church family daily that the Lord will strengthen, comfort, encourage, and protect all of you. God bless you each day and may this Easter Sunday be a day of hope and rejoicing for you as we celebrate the truth that Jesus is alive.




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