MOTHER'S DAY OFFERING: We were a bit distracted this Sunday during Randy's last morning with us and missed informing everyone about the special offering Meadowood collects to support local ministry efforts.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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Posts Tagged with "joy"

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How To Worship When All Is (Not) Well


How do we worship all doesn't feel as well as we expected it should, especially at this time of year, when all can feel a whole lot less than well? The truth is, songs aren't mean to fake us into emotions and feelings. Rather, they are to express to God what we believe about God and understand from our circumstances....

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December Calendar Update, Part 2

Now that we're nearing the mid-point of December, Meadowood wanted to give you another brief update on what's coming up through Christmas!...

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All Really Is Well


Advent is a time of expectation realized and joy maximized. But in the midst of the chaos around us, we can easily begin to wonder if things are really as secure as we've been led to believe....

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 23


The most precious parts of Christmas are the moments we share with those we care about as we recall the grand story of redemption that began for us in that little manger. It's a salvation available to all, and in that we rejoice!...

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 19


Don't let the wildness of the modern Christmas experience distract you from soaking in the truth that makes the season so special....

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 18


Advent isn't really that complicated. Understanding it does not necessitate a seminary degree or advanced study or oratorical eloquence. In fact, it's a pretty simple story with a clear message that hope and joy and peace are available for us if we would only believe....

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 14


There's something about the Christmas season that brings out special memories for those who believe and obey God's Spirit as He moves in us, and sometimes the most seemingly insignificant things can have the greatest impact for His Kingdom....

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 9


Each Advent season, we are reminded afresh of the joy inherent in the Christmas story. We look back and see all Christ has done for us and in us. In these things, we rejoice, and we aren't the only ones! Let's spread that joy around this season!...

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 8


Impossible is not a word that hinders God, and that should be a tremendous encouragement for us in the year we've endured and the future we look toward. He is not phased by our circumstances....

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 5


The answer to the old song "Mary, Did You Know" is really quite simple. Yes, she knew in part because she was told. But what she didn't understand, what she had no vision for at such a young age and after so much silence from God, filled her with fear. Yet, she acknowledged her fears and lack of vision but humbled herself in following the Lord. How can we do likewise?...

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