MOTHER'S DAY OFFERING: We were a bit distracted this Sunday during Randy's last morning with us and missed informing everyone about the special offering Meadowood collects to support local ministry efforts.

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 14


December 14 by Patsy Cellier

Reading: Matthew 1:20, 21 (NIV)

When I think of Christmas, I remember a special time in my life back in the 1990s when Chuck Hunt and I teamed up as singing partners. We sometimes sang at Meadowood, but we also sang at other places.

We often found ourselves at a homeless shelter downtown. This December Saturday we were singing at the Downtown Baptist Food Room where homeless people would gather for a short service before being served a meal. It was this morning when we ourselves had a Christmas blessing.

We had been singing our favorite Christmas solos and duets and Christmas carols with those gathered. It was toward the end of the service when a young couple came in with a tiny baby. I immediately thought of Mary and Joseph. After the service we always enjoyed helping serve those in attendance and listening to the stories they told, but that day we were particularly drawn to this couple. While visiting with them we found out that they didn’t have a small enough blanket for the baby. Chuck suggested that we go out to his truck. It was cold outside. Chuck lifted the trunk and we gazed inside. There inside we found a small blanket, perfect for a newborn child. As Chuck offered the blanket to the couple, we saw happy smiles appear on their faces. They were so happy to receive the gift. We stood in awe as the young father looked admiringly at his wife and baby.

I remember thinking that we had just received the perfect Christmas gift as we looked at this portrayal of the Christmas story.

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