MOTHER'S DAY OFFERING: We were a bit distracted this Sunday during Randy's last morning with us and missed informing everyone about the special offering Meadowood collects to support local ministry efforts.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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The Lord's House


Meadowood Family,

We have a wonderful opportunity this Sunday as we vote on building a Welcome Center and providing much needed repairs to the church facility. Five of our roofs need to be replaced. The roofs over Fellowship Hall and the Roller Coaster hallway are 28 years old. The roofs over the adult Bible study area, the office area, and the Worship Center are 20 years old. All these roofs are in bad shape and need to be replaced.

"This is the Lord's House. To honor Him we need to care for it in the best way possible. This work will not only be a blessing now but in the future." — Bob

The eaves on the A Frame, which is our chapel, on both the north and south sides of the building are in much need of repair.

We need an elevator to assist people in getting to the second floor of the Children's building. The elevator is also needed to bring us up to the standard required by the Americans With Disabilities Act passed by Congress.

For safety purposes and to make passerbys more aware of Meadowood in the evening, lighting on the perimeter of the church will be a much welcome addition.

The remaining portion of the children's playground that is in between the Welcome Center and the Chapel will be enhanced greatly as beautiful and usable field turf will be covering the ground.

Lastly, the metal portions all around the building will be painted.

All of this is to be done for the glory of God and to increase the appeal of the ministries of Meadowood to the people of the communities we serve.

The estimated cost of these projects is:

Welcome Center - $274,092.00

Playground - $24,629.00

Lights - $18,000.00

Roofs - $343,000.00

Elevator - $95,000.00

Painting - $26,000.00

Total Cost - $780,721.00

We have been advised to add an additional 10% to this figure for unexpected expenses that could arise during the construction phase. Add $78,000.00 to the above figure and our estimated projected cost is $858,721.00.

We will pay for this in a sacrificial giving campaign. The campaign will last for 150 weeks. People will be asked to give over and above their tithe. The emphasis will be equal sacrifice not equal dollar amount. All can't give the same dollar amount but we can all give sacrificially.

It takes 3 to 4 months to conduct a financial campaign such as this.  Each of us will be asked to put our financial commitment on a pledge card. You will not be asked to sign your name to the card. The only reason we ask the dollar amount be placed on the card is so we can know how much money we can count on being given.

We will only do what monies are pledged. If $400,000.00 is pledged then we will do $400,000.00 worth of work.

We can do all of this!

In a giving campaign the standard for a church to raise is what they took in the previous year. In 2018 our Meadowood family gave $1,634,763.63. We have the means to pay for this entire project.

Once the pledges are in then we will start the project.

The giving campaign would begin in August and extend through either October or November.

The building and renovation would begin in December, or possibly January, and should take approximately eight months to complete.

We have to have the church's approval to do any of this.

This is why you being here Sunday and voting is so very important. We need strong favorable support to do this work.

This is the Lord's House. To honor Him we need to care for it in the best way possible. This work will not only be a blessing now but in the future.

May the Savior direct us as we make this decision on Sunday, July 28th.


Bob — Haggai 1:1-15
